Thursday 13 May 2010

Conservative Liberal Party

So the conservative party and Liberal democrats have formed a new alliance.
Maybe it might lead to a merger, who knows!.
History has shown the Labour Party in the 30's and the liberal party in the 20s splitting due to coalitions with the conservative party.
The old liberal party have never recovered from the 20s coalition.
Could the coalition go further? Will there be a new named party in UK politics, or will the coalition split, before any real merger?
Why would a merger happen?
The tories might want to take the Scottish MPs of the Lib Dem for keeps. They might feel it is time to rebrand the party. A name change would be a typical re-brand initiative. Lib Dems might feel their identity has already been taken, and a full merger on the condition of a more liberal conservative party might satisfy them.
New names might be;
The Liberal Conservatives
The Liberal Conservative Party.
The Liberatarian Conservative Party.
The Conservative Liberal Party seem the most likely as the the conservative are the dominant force in the coalition.
The two old parties of UK politics merging could happen, after all both Churchill and Gladstone both defected between the Liberal Party and tories in their political career.
My radical guess is a merger between the two parties.
The conservatives might be tempted for a re branding, while the Lib Dems may want to be guaranteed more of a chance of a seat at the cabinet.
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